Saturday, June 4, 2011

Changing brakes, can I re-use my old anti-squeal shim?

im changing the brakes on my car, can I re-use the other brakes anti-squeal shims, they look like they are in good condition.|||You can try, but the usually slide out place and make noise. I would use new ones or the blue goop you smear on the back.|||i cant see why not, as long as they fit tight and in good shape.|||Why not if there is nothing wrong with them.

I do ,and I%26#039;m very particular when it comes to brakes and steering.|||they are shims. They are not in contact with anything. They are a filler. You can reuse. May need some goop on them for maybe they had factory goop on them that melted off by now.?|||yeah sure .. you can pretty much do anything you want.. but new ones come with the new brakes so why use the old ones...???