My car shakes when I brake and I just changed the brake pads about 6 months ago and I would like to know if I now need to change the rotors or there is something else I will need to do
When your car is shaking when you brake and u just changed the brake pads what do u need to do?
The rotors would be the first thing to check. It could be something else related to the brakes, given you don't get any shaking other than when you apply the brakes.
When your car is shaking when you brake and u just changed the brake pads what do u need to do?
sounds like you need to have the rotors turned (if they haven't been already) or you need new rotors.
sometimes pad slapping them (just putting pads on) ends up creating a rotor warp situation.
sounds like that happened.
good luck!
This just happened to me and I actually had to have them shaved down. They were warped. Might be your problem too. Have a mechanic check it out.
maybe shocks or rack and pinnion
your rotors are warped. depending on the thickness of the rotor, you will either have to resurface them or have them replaced. if you resurface them, you will make them thinner and they'll warp again sometime down the road. if you get them replaced, they will be thick again and won't warp for a while.