My brakes have just started squeaking and when I took it for an oil change, the garage said the brake fluid was really low. They are not grinding or anything like that. I want to get it looked at this week, so it does not cause any further damage. But, out of curiosity I was just wondering if any might have a ballpark figure? What is better Midas or Meineke? Thanks
Approx what will it cost for brakes for my car?
fluid is low because your pads are low you should not spend over 200 on a basic brake pads and rotor resurfacing job
Approx what will it cost for brakes for my car?
Both of those are very expensive chains. I would find a local mechanic and give him the business, You will also find they are usually a lot less expensive. As for price. Location means a lot. I live in Portland, OR and mechanics here are very expensive, My sister lives in Bristol, VA and mechanics there are 1/3 the price. That being said. If I were in Bristol, I would not expect to pay more than $75 for front brakes and $75 for back brakes or $140 total, without any surfacing. Here in Portland though, you are looking at around $100 per wheel.
Mommy, Midas, Minekie and Monroe are terrible shops for brake jobs. Trust a private mechanic or a new car dealership.
Meinke and Midas probably advertise a price per axle for a basic brake job. The questions is, whether you fluid is low just because the brakes are worn or is there a leak. If there is a leak then you need work on the hydraulics, not just the pads. The squeaking might be because the pads are worn down to the warning signal. What are you worried about? You can always walk away if it is too expensive.