i have a FWD 2004 celica gts and i need the brakes changed, do i get the front nrake pads replaced or rear brakes or both?
Easy car brakes question?
All your stopping power is in the front the, back brakes are there to help slow down the speed of the car and to help stop but at a secondary rate because of the proportioning valve splits the difference in pressure to the front and to the rear.But what you might do is replace the front and have the rear checked out but if it should be done do all.And have the fluid changed in the master cylinder and all through out the system because the fluid brakes down just like motor oil does and moisture can get in and rust out the system and hurt the seals and what not.hgm20002000@yahoo.com
Easy car brakes question?
The front brakes last less than the rear but absolutely have both checked. If the rear brakes have never been changed then 6 years is over due.
Easy answer- Which ever is bad. If you don't know- change them both to be safe. Or buy them both and only replace the ones you need and then take the others back to save money. Hope I have been helpful.
the only ones you need to replace are the bad ones. like if the front are bad and the back is still good all you need to change are the front.
have all the brakes checked and replace the ones that need it.