Im changing the brakes of my 92 toyota paseo, do I have to bleed the lines or can I just put the new brakes in, and before driving the car, just pump the brake pedal a few times?
Do I need to bleed the brakes after brake change?
its always best that you do bleed your brakes to eliminate any air in your brake system especially if brakes(feel spongy) or pedal travel to floor after your brake job.
Do I need to bleed the brakes after brake change?
you can do exactly what youre describing. it is advised though that you bleed the brakes to get any moisture/air out of the system. it may save you in the long run.
You do not always have to bleed your brake lines after changing the pads, however you will need to start the car and pump the brakes several times until they feel normal again before you drive off. If you are not recieving the same amount of resistance as you did before changing the pads you may need to bleed the system.
Get a c-clamp and push the caliper in.
This keeps the fluid in the system and you will not have air allowed to enter so you wont have to bleed brake lines.
Make sure you still have the wheel on the other side when you do it or else you will push the other caliper out while squeezing the other in. Also pump the brakes several time before driving to make sure pads are in contact with rotor.
No you don't only if fluid gets in the air hose.
It is recommended, but not absolutely necessary. If your brakes didn't feel soft before you did the brakes and you're reservoir didn't suck air in when you pumped the brakes after the brake change, you'll be okay without bleeding.
you have to bleed them . start with the closest to the master cylender to the farthest .
no bleed dem u made yoke..