My brakes stopped working when I was backing up my car! What happened? Check engine light came on earlier too?
you might be low on brake fluid
My brakes stopped working when I was backing up my car! What happened? Check engine light came on earlier too?
Get your car checked out NOW.
It could be the Power Booster or other problem. Get it checked out. You know you have a problem and are in-dangering others. Your fault if accident happens.
How much Liability Insurance do you have? 2 or 10 million dollars?
Get it looked at NOW.
your brake fluid level might be really low or there could be a problem in your brake lines such as a block. I would take it to a reapair shop to have the brakes looked at.
No, if you have a problem that renders your brakes not effective, your car isn't safe to drive. As to whether the check engine light, or the oil change has any connection, I have no idea. You might ask your mechanic about that when you have it towed in to him for repairs.
The brake booster is failing, It works off the vacuum from the engine which is why the check engine light came on. It may be as simple as a vacuum leak. The only way to tell is to have a vacuum test done. And no it is not safe to drive.
The Anti Lock Brake system is operated by a electric pump that maintains a minimum amount of pressure. The system constantly checks itself and if there is a failure it will trigger the Check Engine light. It could also result in the failure of the brakes.
The computer on the car stores events that trigger the light, and can be retrieved by your mechanic with a diagnostic scanner. It will tell them exactly what caused the light to come on.
Your brake vacuum booster may be leaking.That would cause the check engine light to come on due to loss of vacuum and the brakes would not operate with power assist (very hard pedal).
ADDITIONAL:P lease get the brake system checked immediately,if this failure happens again during driving it could cause you to loose normal braking.
ALSO!!!! check the rubber hose that goes from the intake manifold to the brake vacuum booster,the mechanic may have inadvertently damaged (cracked ) the hose or pulled it partially off the manifold or brake booster.
Please, please, please get your brakes and the rest of your car checked.. It's very, very scary to have the brakes suddenly go out. That happened to me a number of yrs. ago, I went to stop at a traffic signal on a busy main street and when I pushed the pedal NOTHING happened ! The pedal just sunk down to the floor... Luckily, I had an older car that decelerated quickly and I was able to coast all the way home.. However, I wouldn't suggest that either....
first i would check your brake fluid level if its low enough you might of got air in all the lines you'll have to bleed all for brake cylinders, calipers ect. second i would check the brake booster vacuum line if that came off or is cracked that will cause the brake pedal to be stiff. also i would have the master cylinder checked. but i would not drive the car until a mechanic checks it because you cause a accident and possibly kill someone over a stupid but serious problem.