Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do I need to Change my car's brakes?

My parents car's brakes squeak and with me driving soon i want them to be safe for when i drive the car. The brakes squeak only when I'm going forward and only when i apply a little brake pressure. They do not squeak when i push the brakes hard. Don't know the last time the brakes were done exactly, but it's probably been about a year. Also the car has about 60,000 miles on it.

Do I need to Change my car's brakes?
yes they need to changed the brakes have a squerker on the pads this means that need to be replace this it there to keep you from dameging the roters
Do I need to Change my car's brakes?
sometimes dust will cause the brakes to squeak, brakes will last a lot longer than a year, but you can have a safety check done to be sure or pull a wheel on one side yourself and check the thickness or the brake lining or brake pad what ever you car has.
Unless they do 30.000 a year in the city i think they are dirty and not warn out. A little squeak is nothing grinding is not good at all though.

do asap or you will have to turn the drums
yes i think..