Thursday, September 15, 2011

How can i make the brakes on my car stop squeaking?

i had my brakes changed a few months ago but they are still squeaking. Is there any way to make it stop?
How can i make the brakes on my car stop squeaking?

the other replies did not read you whole question...


It sounds to me like the folks that did your brakes did not use the goop or the insulator a thin peace of paper like material that is supposed to stop the squeaking... it goes on the back of the pads to stop this as disc brakes are notorious for that.. and the goop stops the noise from the vibration of the disc pads. I'd maybe go back to the people that did the brakes and ask them if they used the goop or the insulator. Most likely there going to tell ya yes but by the noise I'd say they did not.

good luck

How can i make the brakes on my car stop squeaking?
yeah go to the mechanic and get some new brake shoes put on..yours are probably going out..they might have put old shoes on there..thats known to happen
u have to repaire it...this has happened to me i went to a autorepair shop and they said that i needed new brakes...
New break pads or

Go back to where you go them replaced...tell them they are still squeaking.
mate change the pads its that simple
get a second opinion from another mechanic. Maybe the first one ripped you off?
yeah you need new brakes and the longer you put it off its more dangerous and you can mess up the car
This company can do it for 99$
DOn't go anywhere N yo car.
There is a grease you put on the back side of the pads that will make them stop squeaking. Most auto parts stores have it. Just because your brakes squeak doesn't necessarily mean its time to change them, but its still a good idea to check their wear.
there is some glue like stuff called anti-squeal that is applied to the back of the pad, to stop this... see the guy who did your brakes....
Some of these people haven't read your question and are suggesting you change them again. Blah!

Mine are doing the same thing and I was ticked because I had them changed at a mom and pop place and moved across the country.

I asked someone about it and they suggested I get my rotors turned. I'd rather listen to them squeak though. It's not too annoying for me.
Usually there are brake cleaners at auto supply store, but they actually don't work that good. Some squeakings may be cured by it, some just can't.

Next time, make sure you don't buy the cheapest one on the market, as the cheap pads may be the culprit.

Take it back to where you had them installed, and ask them to put on some lube that came with the pads. It's not lubricant, but some kind of lotion/grease that minimizes noise on new pads.

Hopefully since they already took your money, they'll be nice enough to do this for free.
straight from a mechanic,most of the time shops will not clean the brackets that hold the brake pad in place or lube the back of the brake pad so i recommend to take them apart %26amp; clean %26amp; lube them.if this does'nt work get brake pads from your car dealer,you will pay more for them but should stop them from squeeling.brakes squeek/squeel from vibration between mounting surface %26amp; brake pad!!
Did lub come with your brakes? Did it come with shims? If not you brought cheap brakes. Did you have them done or did you do them. If you had them done, go back to dealer and tell them they make a noise and they should do them for you but if you did them, well, anyway take them to a dealer who does this kind of work..Good luck
Some models of cars/trucks naturally have squeaky brakes... My moms ford explorer has had the brakes redone about 5 times, and nothing has gotten rid of the squeak...
It can be several reasons;

one it may be that your vehicle requires metallic break pads or semi-metallic which will cause some squeaking initially.

Second it could be that the rotors need to be turned.

But you could also request when a break job is done to have them use this orange goop which helps prevent squeaking by sealing the break pad and buffering between the rotors.

Also a friend of mine that was a mechanic told me if they don't bleed the breaks enough or properly they will squeal too as well as not function properly.
sometimes filing the edges on the pads down a little with a file works.
slowly drip or spraw WD-40 in on the pads