Thursday, September 15, 2011

I have a problem with my car brakes?

I've changed both the front and back brakes and I'm still having problems. The %26quot;brake%26quot; light in the dashboard has been on for about a week, which is why I thought it might just be something simple like changing the brakes. That didn't work, the light is still on. Also, I have to push the brake pedal almost to the floor to get it to stop. What else could it be??
I have a problem with my car brakes?
If you have poor pedal feel, you could be having trouble with the master cylinder. Or, you could have some air in the brake lines. Air will wreak havoc on brakes when it gets in the system. I would re-bleed the brake lines and see if that can help alleviate the problems you are having.
I have a problem with my car brakes?
BLEED THE BRAKE LINES ok if you yourself changed the brakes then you should have noticed a screw in the rear of the calipers may be covered with cap need two people 1 to pump the brakes about six times and then hold them down while you attach aquarium air hose to screw get a clear bottle fill bottom with brake fluid insert hose in bottle release bleeder screw air will be seen as bubbles in hose once they dissapear the air for that brake line is gone tighten screw back up then repeat for other tires pump and hold brakes as many times as necessary for each bl make sure to tighten screw back up before repeating bleeding procedure
brake light comes on to tell you that your brake fluid is low,

open your hood and on the right side as your looking at your motor is a reservoir, directly in front of where your steering wheel is inside. either has a top that pops off, or a cap that unscrews, open and check, but you should be able to see thru it and has min and max marks on it,

If your that low, you may have leak, fill and push brakes a whole bunch of times and you should see drip or squirt if leaking, if still losing fluid but don't see a leak, your master cylinder maybe leaking inside your brake booster. This is a little more work, as you have to bleed the master cylinder and bleed all brakes again.

Good luck
One of the most over looked devices in the brake system is the proportioning valve and when it malfunctions the brakes really get weird. This is the device that protects you when you blow a wheel cylinder or caliper. It shuttles to one side canceling brake pressure to the side where the leak has happened. It has to be reset before proper brake bleeding can be accomplished. If you want ot know more about it, ask another question about the proportioning valve. Good Luck
1. my truck brake lights come on when the brake fluid is low.

2. take the battery cable off for 10min. that should erase the code, unless there is a serious problem.
Master cylinder, low on brake fluid, air in the lines, leak in the calipers, cylinders or brake lines. D; all of the above
sounds like air in your brake lines, bleed them.