Do you think charging my sister-in-law $40.00 for changing her back brakes is a bad price? She bought the pads herself and thought that $40 bucks was too high. Did anyone ever get their brakes done at a service station? How much were you charged, just a rough estimate please!!!|||Well, I wouldn%26#039;t have a problem charging a relative to do their breaks. It takes time, and it%26#039;s a skill that not everybody has, and to do everything for free isn%26#039;t realistic sometimes unless they are doing you favors in return that are worth the hassle. I love my relatives and family, but I don%26#039;t have time to give away either.
I would feel $20 each side is very reasonable. I know that to do the front pads and rotors, shops charge $300 and the parts are only $100. They make a KILL, and if your relative is complaining about $40 labor, then they need to go to the shop and find out what they would be paying normally. They probably feel it%26#039;s too high, because they don%26#039;t know what the shops charge.
Charging your relative doesn%26#039;t mean that you don%26#039;t love them. I cannot do everything for free either. I understand that time is money, and if it%26#039;s saving my relative a lot of money, then I%26#039;m doing them a favor by only charging a little to do the job.|||I would just do it for a lunch or something back brakes are harder then the front if u use a vice to push down the caliper rather than bleeding the brakes.|||when will you learn never to work on relative car//you cant win//if something messes up you will hear it forever//always tell relatives you are too busy//dont sell them a car either..god forbid somethjing goes wrong and you dont fix it for free 3 years later//cars and relatives dont mix|||I don%26#039;t charge relatives for minor repairs, with major repairs i will ask for a similar worth favor or charge $10/hr.
One hour to change some pads/shoes is nothing for the fam.
Ken%26#039;s family must suck, It doesn%26#039;t matter to me, if the family member tries to hold something done as a favor against me in the future, i would(and have) just write them off. I have a petty cousin, and an uncle from another side who have lost any type of family hook-up. Seriously, it%26#039;s family, we help each other. (incidentally the cousins wife and the uncles son will now bring their cars, and they still get fixed, but i won%26#039;t deal with them directly)|||Yes it is high for a relative. You should be doing it for free. I do.
I%26#039;m happy if I get a six-pack for it.
The last time I had a shop do mine it was $60au. There%26#039;s no way I%26#039;d pay a relative $40 , especially if I%26#039;d already bought the pads. Do you even have the tools to check disc runout, or to machine the discs? Or are you just doing the old %26#039;change the pads%26#039;?
If all you are doing is changing pads, you should definetly doing it for free!|||that,s not a bad price ! that,s $20.00 a side. sounds like you gave her a break. i change my own brakes but i bet the garage would be charging more then $ 40.00. i don,t like to work on relatives cars. if something turns out the way they think it should,nt then i would,nt hear the last of it.|||I%26#039;m going to have to say that $40.00 isn%26#039;t bad figure, but it%26#039;s seems your sister in-law is either out of touch on what the avg. hourly rate is at a repair shop or just doesn%26#039;t have the extra cash.
So if you know that her money is tight, then you do it for free or exchange for something like lunch or dinner on her.
Basically I never put a figure on auto repair for family, I just let them pay what they think is fair, for the most part my family over pays. because they know that I%26#039;m hooking them up at their convenience.
I think the key is to never give a figure up front, just let them offer compensation, maybe it nothing or maybe it%26#039;s double. If nothing at least you know that they will owe you one when your in need. It%26#039; what family do for one another.