I have been driving a longer route (15 miles) to take my kids to school instead of the the shorter route (10 miles) because the short route has 10 stop signs. I heard that stop and go will hurt my brakes. But with the skyrocketing gas price, I would like to take the shorter route with all the stop signs. I would like to know if this equates to more frequent brake pad change, therefore costing me more in the long run?|||Brakes (like shoes and tires) are design to wear down with use. But they are ALSO design to be replaced - easily. Unlike other parts they replace fairly easily and with predictable cost.
Call around for local brake repair cost. Factor that into your cost of gas saved.
Good Luck.
P.S. shorter routed does NOT mean less gas if you have more stop and go.|||Yes.|||The more you use your breaks the faster they%26#039;ll wear down. I think that%26#039;s pretty obvious.|||Stop-and Go driving will hurt your brakes and gas mileage in the long run. It is always better to find a freeway the same route your going. Eventually, it will hurt them, but not really fast unless you slam your brakes all the time.|||The thing that %26quot;hurts your brakes%26quot; is when you let the pads wear down so far that they %26quot;score%26quot; the rotors and ruin them. Then you have to pay for two new rotors as well. Get the brakes checked for wear when your owner%26#039;s manual says to and you%26#039;ll be fine in my opinion.|||not hurt but eventually they wear out depending on how much you use them. be sure to have them checked once in a while.|||The more you use them, the faster they wear out. but, brake pads are cheap.
I wouldnt worry about it, just make sure you get the pds changed when thier worn out./|||im doin it the hard way!...the long way cost about 60 cents a day more,,,times 5 day weed....= 4 dollars a week....= 16 a month....new brakes cost 150 to 200 for front and same for rear....id say go the long way,,,|||the answer is yes, but what you describe is negligible. I have changed brakes for my mail lady over the years. That is what I call excess stop and go driving. Nothing in my driving experience stopping and starting could even match what this lady did. I wouldn%26#039;t worry about the brakes, you%26#039;ll still change them on schedule.