My friend needs new disk brakes, I offered to do it myself, but she said she will just pay someone. Her mechanic said it woul $168, does that seem like alot?|||Hard to say. A lot of it depends on the quality of the pads, and does that include turning the rotors? There are a lot of variables involved to say for sure. However the price quoted doesn%26#039;t seem to be out of line for the job.
good luck|||My husband did them- and Ive been fine but when we had originally called around it was b/t 60-100$ but this is in varies from shop to state im sure.|||$168 is a little high in price but also you gotta take into account how many brakes are being replaced and wht type of brakes are being put on the car ... hope that helped a little.|||depends on whats needed. car type, size and if rotors must be serviced. sounds like a fair price.are you really qualified and have the tools to do it.|||In dealing with cars, one of my rules is to NEVER take it to a mechanic for a brake job. You can walk away with a bill of over $300.00. When you take it in and tell them you just need brake pads, they will give you a quote on that. However, once they have your car, you will be getting a call that you also need your discs either turned or replaced, as well as your calipers.
Since you are speaking of %26quot;disk brakes%26quot;, I assume you have disk on front and drums on the rear. 80% of your stopping comes from the front brakes, so they wear out faster.
New front pads will only cost you about $30.00, and they are easy to replace. However, don%26#039;t offer to do it for her unless you have experience at such things.
Jack her up and pull the wheel and remove the caliper. Look at the pads and ensure they are evenly worn. If they are not evenly worn, or the pad next to the caliper piston is worn more than the outside, you need work on the caliper. Don%26#039;t try to rebuild it. Just buy a new one. Check your disc and if it is really rough, have it %26quot;turned%26quot; or replace it. Taking off too much metal from the disc will cause it to overheat and you will have what is called %26quot;brake fade%26quot;.
On some cars you don%26#039;t even have to remove the caliper. Just push in the piston and slip in the new pads. If you put on a new caliper, you will need to bleed the brake line.
I NEVER advise anyone to take their car to a shop for a %26quot;brake job%26quot; if they know someone who has the expertise to do it for them.