Friday, September 23, 2011

Changing brakes on 96 Nissan Maxima?


Is it hard changing the brake pads on a 96 nissan maxima?

I was told by a neighbor that whenever you push the piston ring back in the caliper you have to bleed the lines. Is this true?

The car has 185,000 miles on it. Is this considered high? and is there a certain grade of oil i should be using here? im in ohio if it helps.

Changing brakes on 96 Nissan Maxima?
Slow down Dan did you find the meter fuse? How does the motor run? 10/30 wt for summer and 5/30wt for winter oil viscosity. When working on brakes It is a good idea not to drive dirty fluid back into the master cylinder while depressing the piston in open the bleeder screw. Rear caliper pistons need to be rotated while depressing so the piston retracts The pad has a pin that lines up with a notch in the caliper piston. Then bleed the brakes in proper order with clean fluid from a new bottle of dot #3 fluid. Procedure is right rear then left front Then Left rear finally right front. Good luck many Maxima make it to 300,000 miles so drive safely.