Friday, September 23, 2011

Changing breaks on 1989 Buick Lesabre?

I was just wondering, how would I go about changing the front brakes on this car? I have changed breaks on a 2002 Toyota Camry, but have never changed brakes on an American car. Is it different? Thanks for anyone who can help me out on this. I don't want to take it to a mechanic because it's just too much money. Thanks again for anyone who can help.
Changing breaks on 1989 Buick Lesabre?
You need a Star Drive socket that you can get from an autoparts store, along with the new pads and rotors if you need them.

Put your car on jack stands, then pull the wheels. Use the star drive socket to remove the caliper from the rotor. The bolt is behind the caliper so you'll turn the socket towards yourself and undo it from behind the top of the caliper. You can then remove the old pads, and before you put the new ones on, make sure you put the anti-squeel paste on the back.

At this point, you probably need a spreader to open the caliper and get the new pads around the rotor. You probably want to inspect the rotor, if it's too thin it will need to be replaced. If the surface is too grooved, you will need to have it turned. It's not a bad idea to have them turned anyway.

Assembly is exactly reverse of the removal. Torq the bolt down to spec.

If you saw any brake fluid while working with your brakes, or if anything looks out of whack, have a professional take a look.
Changing breaks on 1989 Buick Lesabre?
it is the same as my 1988 oldsmobile. jack it up, take off the wheel, use a c-clamp and compress the caliper piston back in, take out the bolts, they are probably those star bolts. if they are they take a t-50 star bit. take the bolts out and remove the caliper and pads. if the caliper don,t wan to off the rotor lift it up with a big screwdriver, before putting it back together clean the slides where the caliper bolts up to and put a little high temperature grease on the slides.